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This begins Chapter Two. I have made minor changes, including Charlotte’s age. I decided she should be sixteen years old. She’s aged just a little bit… Well, here we go!

They dare not eat the food that surrounded them. They would need it for when winter came. No one slept for that matter either, except for the baby, Lydia. Charlotte was gripped with fear. Is Papa safe? Where had Mama ventured off to? she thought.

She heard the door creak open. Her heart beat so fast it was as though it would beat out of her chest.

“Anyone in here?” a soldier grunted.

Redcoats! Charlotte heard it in their voice. She held her breath.

“Do you see anyone in there Sergeant?” another voice asked.

“No. Let’s move on,” the sergeant replied.

When she heard the door close, she breathed a sigh of relief. They had not been found. What would Mama do if she did not find them? How would Papa know? What if they had been found? Would they be taken away?

Hours passed. Charlotte hadn’t heard the door open. She finally let sleep overcome her. Mama and Papa had not returned. Oh, when will they return? Had they been found by the Redcoats? I only want them to come home, Charlotte thought.

She did not sleep well. She was entwined with anxiety about Mama and Papa. The others seemed to sleep as best as possible with the food around them. A thought blew past her mind. What will we do if Mama does not return? A voice deep inside told her she was being unreasonable, that Mama would return. She could only hope it was right.

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